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  • $20.00 for documents with one (1) to six (6) pages
  • $65.00 for documents with seven (7) to twenty five (25) pages
  • $3.00 for each additional page over 25
  • A one inch margin must be provided on one side of each page or a $10.00 fee will be assessed
  • First 10 related document numbers are free. Any additional numbers will be at a fee of $3.00 per document number.
  • First 10 sections listed are free. Each additional section will be a fee of $1.00 per section listed.


  • FONT SIZE NDCC 11-18-051.a.(2)”The printed, written, or typed words must be considered legible by the recorder before the page will be accepted for recording and, unless the form was issued by a government agency, must have a font size equal to or larger than 10 point Calibri”


  • ALL DOCUMENTS MUST have a three (3) inch[7.62 centimeters] margin across the top of the first page of each instrument for recording information



NDCC 11-18-05.1.a.4 “A space of at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] must be provided across the top of the first page of each instrument for the recorder’s recording information. If a space of at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] is not provided across the top of the first page, the recorder shall add a page, and an additional page charge must be levied in accordance with the fee structure.”


  • Ensure no border, return address, or any other writing appears in the three inch space, or an additional page will be added to the document and fees charged accordingly.
  • If a recorder must add a page to a 6 page document, the $65.00 fee will be charged
  • If the recorder adds a page to a 25 or more page document, the additional $3.00 per page will be assessed.



Statement of full consideration (not required on a deed covering mineral interest only). Auditor’s transfer stamp and seal (not required on a deed covering mineral interest only). All real estate taxes must be paid before any deed can be recorded. Post Office address for Grantee(s).

Name and address of Drafter of legal description on deed or contract for deed, executed on or after 01/01/2000 that contains a metes and bounds legal description (NDCC 47-19); in the form of “This legal description was prepared by (name ) (address).” or a statement that reads ” The legal description was obtained from a previously recorded document”.

  • Post Office address of the mortgagee(s)
  • Post Office address of the Assignee(s) on assignments of mortgages.

North Dakota Recorders Information Network (NDRIN) – A group of North Dakota counties have joined together to extend the application of the 1999 disaster-proofing FEMA grant and provide access to real estate records via the Internet. These records have previously been available only through books and microfilm in the Recorder’s Offices in the county courthouses. The service allows users to log onto the web-site to search, view and print records, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the counties publishing data to the network. Potential customers interested in subscribing to NDRIN can do so on line at NDRIN.


511 2nd Ave SE Suite #103
Jamestown, ND 58401
(701) 252-9034

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