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Every day, decisions made by Stutsman County government officials affect you. Now is a great time to get involved. There are many boards, commissions, and committees that offer Stutsman County citizens an avenue to actively participate in local government.

These boards deal with health and welfare, social programs, environmental issues, agricultural preservations, economic development, tourism, architectural review, land and public use, elderly issues, and others.

Click on a heading below to expand information about that particular Board or Committee.

Current Openings

None at this time.


Board Information

Board Duties

Perform an annual audit of financial affairs and obligations; continue to obtain historical, economic, statistical and factual information to allow for review of activities; submit monthly financial reports and quarterly progress reports; allow JSDC and Stutsman County to examine and copy books and records.


At least once per year with Jamestown City Council and Stutsman County Commission.

Members (7)

1 County Commissioner from Stutsman County
1 County Commissioner from Logan County
1 Business Member from Stutsman County
1 Business Member from Logan County
1 Jamestown City Appointed Member
1 Jamestown School Appointed Member
1 Physician

Term Of Office

5 Years

Board Duties

The board prepares and submits a public health unit budget; approves contributions, expenditures and health unit programs; appoints local health officer and approves the hiring of the health unit’s professional staff.


Approval from respective appointing entity. Board may not be either all male or all female.


3rd Monday of each month at 12:00 Noon in the conference room at Central Valley Health.


Volunteer basis, may be paid for expenses incurred. Members traveling to Jamestown receive a $30.00 stipend per meeting and mileage at CVHD’s current mileage rate.

Members (7)

5 County Commissioners
2 Residents of the County

Term Of Office

3 Years

Board Duties

Regulate, supervise, control and manage all areas of land and water owned or held by the county or which may be, under written agreement, placed by an individual, a corporation, a limited liability company, the federal, state or a municipal government, or any department or agency thereof, under the jurisdiction, supervision, control, and management of the board for park or recreational purposes.


Any resident citizen of the county, including county, city, and township officers.


1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, immediately following the regular Board of County Commissioners meeting at the Stutsman County Courthouse.


$41.56 Per Meeting

Members (7)

5 County Commissioners plus 2 at-large appointees

Term Of Office

3 Years

Board Duties

Supervise and direct all human service activities conducted by the county including county general assistance or other public assistance; supervise and administer human services in the county which are financed in whole or in part with funds allocated or distributed by the department of human services; aid and assist to efficiently coordinate and conduct human service activities; administer the food stamp and energy assistance programs in the county; charge and collect fees and expenses for services provided by its staff; supervise and administer designated child welfare services.


The board has to include members of each sex, one or more must be members of the Board of County Commissioners and the commissioners will appoint members based on character, experience and training without regard to political affiliation.


1st Tuesday of the month at 11:00 AM.


$25.00 Per Meeting

Members (5)
Term Of Office

5 Years

Board Duties

Exercise public and essential governmental functions; to sue and be sued; to have perpetual succession; to make and execute contracts; to make, amend, and repeal bylaws inconsistent with the NDCC; to lease and operate housing projects; to provide necessary construction for any housing project within its area of operation; to contract for the furnishing of services, privileges, works, or facilities in connection with a housing project; to include stipulations on a contractor or subcontractor comply; to lease or rent any dwellings; to own, hold, and improve property; to purchase, lease, or acquire any property or interest in property; to acquire real property by the power of eminent domain; to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, or dispose of any property; to insure any property; to procure insurance or guaranties from the federal government; to invest funds and purchase bonds; to investigate housing conditions and means of improvement; to determine where slum areas exist; to make studies and recommendations for slum areas and on the subject of housing within the area of operation; to administer oaths, issue subpoenas, and issue commissions for witness examinations outside the state; to make available appropriate agencies; to issue bonds and refunding bonds for corporate purposes; to borrow money or accept grants; to take over, lease, or manage any housing project; to enter into mortgages, trust indentures, leases or agreements; to secure financial aid or cooperation of the federal government; to exercise all or any part or combination of powers granted; to exercise the power to provide operation and maintenance expenses; to develop a plan identifying the public purposes of the authority’s ownership; to exercise other powers and duties as may be necessary to carry out its purposes.


The board meets at 8:00 AM on every third Tuesday, every other month at GPHA offices and via electronic meetings.


$25.00 Per Meeting


To apply for appointment to this board you cannot own or manage property that receives income from HUD or be a direct relative of someone who owns property supported by HUD.

Members (9 – 1 Per County)
Term Of Office

2 Years

Board Duties

Assist in needs assessment and the planning and development of health and social resources to assure high quality services are fully accessible to all citizens; review and evaluate services and programs provided by the centers and make periodic reports to the department; promote cooperation and working agreements with private human service agencies; review the budgets for submission; promote local and regional financing from public and private sources.


Resident of the area served by the regional human service center.


Quarterly meetings held on Wednesday at 10:00 AM at South Central Human Service Center, 520 3rd St NW in Jamestown, ND.


No compensation.

Members (7)

3 – County Appointed
3 – City Appointed
1 – Jointly Appointed

Term Of Office

3 Years (Limited to two consecutive terms)

Board Duties

Make and adopt bylaws relating to the duties of the officers of the board and management of the library and reading room; control expenditures; supervision, care and custody of the library property; contract to furnish and receive library service from other counties, school districts, cities and the state library; and employ qualified personnel to administer the public library and dispense library services.


The County may appoint any qualified elector to the Joint Library Board (City or County resident). No employee of the City, County, or the JLB who works in library service provision may serve on the JLB.


2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:00pm in the lower level of the Jamestown Public Library.


Volunteer basis.

Members (9)

2 – County Appointed
7 – City Appointed

Term Of Office

5 Years

Board Duties

The planning commission shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may now or hereafter be provided by the state law and city ordinances, and pursuant to section 40-47-06 of the NDCC it is hereby appointed as the city zoning commission and authorized to assume all powers and perform such duties as appropriate to such appointment.


Volunteer basis.

Members (5)
Term Of Office

3 Years

Board Duties

Serve for purposes of school district annexations, dissolutions and reorganizations.


Resident of Stutsman County.


Held upon call for business.


$62.50 per meeting plus mileage.

Members (5)
Term Of Office

5 Year Term

Board Duties

The water resource board addresses water issues that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the State Water Commission. The board resolves the significant and common water resource management problems of the county, encourages all landowners to retain water on the land to the maximum extent possible in accordance with sound water management policies, and help provide for proper management and control of surface waters, address and consider fully in the planning of any surface water project.


Any resident landowner in the district except a county commissioner.


Regular monthly meetings held in the Board of County Commissioners Room at the Courthouse, generally 10:00 AM.


Chairman – $95.00 per meeting
Member – $75.00 per meeting

Members (7)

4 Members consisting of 1 from each quarter of the county
1 City of Jamestown Resident
1 County Commissioner
1 City of Jamestown Council Member

Term Of Office

4 Year Term

Board Duties

Implement a program to control noxious weeds, provide for the control of noxious weeds along county and township roads and county highways, control and disburse all moneys received by the county from any source for noxious weed control.


Any qualified elector residing in member areas.


2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 AM in the Whitney Room of the Stutsman County Courthouse unless notified of meeting change.


Chairman – $75.00 per meeting
Member – $50.00 per meeting

Members (9)

2 Commissioners – term of elective office
2 Governing Officials from County Seat – term of elective office
5 at large members

Term Of Office

4 Year Term

Board Duties

The members of the zoning board meet to oversee the administration of the Stutsman. County Zoning Ordinance to promote orderly and non-conflicting uses of land and property, protect property rights, ensure the provisions of adequate public services and promote conservation of land, water and other natural resources. They review requests for zoning variances, feedlot and wind turbine projects.


Not Specified


Varied, called when necessary.


Actual Expense


Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events

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